Gabriel Barkay, Zachi Dvira, Aran Yardeni and Frankie Snyder will be conducting a fund raising tour to the US during mid-April until late May.

We would appreciate it if any of our supporters could help arrange talks or dinners with potential donors. We will be updating groups on recent developments at the Sifting Project and research of the finds, including reporting on some fascinating discoveries that have not been published yet as they await further research to provide firmer conclusions. We could be contacted at

The research currently needs funding to prepare a full scientific publication of hundreds of thousands of finds. We also plan to go online in a crowd-funding campaign. We would appreciate any support you can give.

If you have not subscribed to our Facebook page, so please do so and share it with others.

More updates to come.

Please view this video which is part of the documentary recently broadcast on BBC that spoke about the Sifting Project’s contribution to research concerning the lost Ark of the Covenant.