
New Article in Israel Hayom about the Al-Aqsa Beams

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Nadav Shragai, a reporter for Israel Hayom!, published a very interesting article about the history of some ancient carved wooden beams removed from the Al-Aqsa Mosque during the last century. Some of these beams predate the first Al-Aqsa Mosque and have been used and reused numerous times in various structures, which actually aided their preservation. We have some fragments of these beams among the finds at the Sifting Project.
We have been monitoring these beams for many years as they lay exposed to the weather in the open courts of the Temple Mount. We hope the Israel Antiquities Authority will succeed in placing them in a safe shelter before the coming winter. We have been requesting that the IAA deal with this issue more than three years, but these ancient beams have yet to be properly secured.

Article in Israel Hayom about the Sifting Project

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<font size=4)Israel Hayom published today an article about the TMSP new discoveries in the recent years. It is short but gives a good summary.

See link no. 14 in the Selected Media Reports panel on the left.

p.s. We are currently working on a new comprehensive article about the various finds that show up in the Temple Mount soil. It will be publish in the forthcoming Megalim conference on the 6th of September. In the recent days we had a major breakthrough with the methodology of quantifying and analyzing the prevalent finds. These new methodologies will significantly help us cluster various finds to their original context. We’ll give some more detailed information about this in the future (just wanted to share our excitement!)

Article in the Smithsonian Magazine

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The Smithsonian Magazine has published and long article about the project. There are mistakes and misunderstandings in the article. Important issues were not mentioned while other non-relevant political issues where emphasized. Nevertheless, it is worth reading: http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/What-is-Beneath-the-Temple-Mount.html#ixzz1HpGimAHr

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